What is Mobility Conversion?
Mobility conversion is when we take a standard vehicle and convert it to a fully featured wheelchair accessible vehicle. This conversion allows the user to enter the vehicle while in their wheelchair using either a manual fold-out or powered retracting ramp. The user and their wheelchair are then safely secured in the vehicle.
How Does the Wheelchair Lock into the Vehicle?
Depending on your specific needs we will equip your vehicle with either a retractable tie-down restraint or a floor mounted EZ Lock docking system. Each method has its own unique advantages. The EZ Lock docking system requires modifications to your wheelchair but provides quick and easy-to-use functions whereas the tie-downs are more versatile and do not require alterations to your wheelchair.
Is Funding Available for Vehicles and Conversions?
There are a number of government funding options and non-profit support programs that are offered to those in need of a wheelchair accessible vehicle. Visit our Funding Options page for details.
Will Modifying a Van Void its Warranty?
No. Sidewinder Conversions & Mobility work closely with the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturers) to ensure the vehicle factory warranties are not compromised. New vehicles maintain their warranty for all unmodified or non-converted components. Pre-owned vehicles may maintain the existing balance of their respective OEM warranties. Please see http://sidewinderconversions.com/service/comprehensive-warranty .