- Stock Number: 2421-5742
- Make: Other
- Model: Chrysler Pacifica Touring-L Plus
- Price:
- Mileage: 6,830 kms
- Status: Sold
- Vehicle condition: Used
- Wheelchair entry: Side Entry
- Conversion:
- Engine: 3.6L Pentastar VVT V6 engine with Stop/Start
- Color: Silver
Vehicle is set up for independent driver & includes:
- Sure Grip Featherlite Push/Right Angle Handcontrols
- Sure Grip Sure Switch (with secondary controls for turn signals & high/low beams)
- MPS Removable Spinner Knob
- Q’Straint Q-stem (rigid female belt extension)
- Driver Position Q’Straint QLK-150 Auto-docking Wheelchair Restraint Locking Base (does not include wheelchair bracket -We can supply & install QLK Wheelchair bracket at additional cost – subject to compatibility)
Please note video is a sample. Actual vehicle & conversion features may vary from that depicted (this vehicle does not have “Wayfinder” ramp lights).